Product Details


  • Product Code : 2132
  • MRP : 70.00
  • DP : 60.00

Description :

As the temperature rises, raise your cool quotient which Flabia DIG BOY Cool Cool. It is unique dual action ultra fine talc which fights bacteria and gives instant cooling. Its irresistible unique strength lines in its “Cool Cool” quick drying formula and protection from UV radiation to gives you sweet free cooling freshness throughout the day.

USAGE : After every bath, sprinkle DIG BOY fragrance body talc all over your body.

INGREDIENTS : Talcum Powder (Hydrated Magnesium Silicate), Magnesium Carbonate, Precipitate Silica, Zinc Oxide, Perfume, Menthol, Trichlorocarbanilide and Aroma Essence (Oil).


CAUTION : for external use only.